Tuesday, 15 December 2009

looking forward to design practice 2 especially the super hero layer sounds cool or maybe am just a nerd lol

Thursday, 10 December 2009

nearly finished yeaaaaaaaaa

so yes ive nearly done but still feels like loads to do

got about another 400 words to do in essay and then create my presentation and of course put them on a dvd n then come on xmas.

Wednesday, 9 December 2009

so ive amended all the mistakes and this is the final final piece for interactive narrative.

going to uni finish by ~jadeoakley on deviantART
So we finished our one shot piece which took about 3 hours of film for 1 min lol we have two so far one Peyman edited and one i edited.


Tuesday, 8 December 2009

so only a week left got a few things to get done before then tho

1 finish my essay which shouldnt take too long only bout another 400 words

2 tweek my interavtive narritive which will take like 5 mins

3 prepare my presentation

and then bring on xmas baby

Thursday, 26 November 2009

so as i promised i made a movie out of the set of photos and made the music on garage band and the movie in imovie i really like imovie it was really simple and fun to use so here you go

Design process

Design Process


For this project the brief was to come up with a interactive narrative using Flash. I looked at many different interactive narratives while trying to come up with an idea, my first idea was a police line with a choice of who to shoot but I thought this was too simple and would get very boring very quickly. My second idea was making breakfast in the morning giving you a choice of what to make such as cereal, toast and pancakes. I then discarded this idea as well as there could be too many variables and could get very confusing and long. The best idea came to me when I was traveling to university. Because I live in Sutton it takes me about an hour to get to Nottingham and there are many different ways of getting there I thought this would be a good idea as it also relates to the course and agusting to student life.


So now I had an idea and I thought even with a simple idea like mine it could still get very complicated so I drew up a plan of how I was going to do this I started with a map of which slide would go to which depending on which button you press. I then planned out what text would be on each slide and a list of what photos needed to be taken


We were given a basic template for Flash and my tutor explained about being given a script and building on it to make something completely different, so this is what I did. I broke down the basics of the template and added my images, text and edited the scripted to make it match my narrative and go in the order I need for my piece.

Even with a plan this got very complicated but after trial and error with the scripted I finally finished. Nut after uploading it to Deviantart I realized a few spelling and grammar mistakes and had to go back and correct these errors.


I haven’t had any feedback from my tutors yet but I have shown my parents and peers and have had very positive comments although they would be very bias. I am looking forward to the feedback from my lectures so I can develop further on this project and further projects.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

another pixelation

At the beginning of the pixelation project we were put in groups tocome up with a set of photos i then abanded that idea i did my own but now that ive done am going to try and make something with those photos but use a diffrent program to do it to see the diffrence. the program am going to use is imovie which is another mac app i've never used it before so it will be fun to see how it goes.

This is my finished pixelation project i really injoyed using premiere its really simple and fun to do. am please with how this turned out. I made the track to this in garage band which is a mac app.

Monday, 23 November 2009

So i've finished my narrative and nearly finished my pixelation just need to add a track which am going to made on igarage as am a mac user because they are the best lol and i will upload it as soon as am done.


I can finally say i have finished my interactive media project it was confessing but i've done it

am happy with how its turned out still need to do some tweaks as theres some spelling and grammar mistakes

Going to uni by ~jadeoakley on deviantART

Monday, 16 November 2009

i no we ve got to do a essay for context but am not quiet sure what its about do u?
I ve come up with an idea for my pixelation project, my plan is to use the game snake so by starting with a game boy playing a game and the game comes out of the console and moves around the room and interact with the environment.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

had to put this in made me laugh that it was banned cuz apparetely too violent

To be honest am having trouble coming up with a idea for the pixalation thing but i was thinking about using toys just like robot chicken not sure if this is allowed because think we have to use people i geuss i have to ask.

So after going to the pixalation class the first thing it remindered me of was tim burtons work. I was very excited to hear we would be doing this sort of thing as i have been a fan of Tim Burtons work for a while.

You ve all most likely seen this but i just find it amazing, and it wasnt done by computers

Monday, 19 October 2009

when we did the whiteboard stop frame animation its reminded me of this artist called blu how i think is really cool these piece take days as you can imagine.

and the second one is something i found using post it notes which i found amazing.

This has nothing to do with my course at the moment but its a game am playing at the moment and i just think its amazing and the story line is mind blowing with to story running at once which is non liner (wow i learnt something ) it carrys on from the film which am obsessed with take a look its called wanted.

So i ve just completed my first week at uni and am feeling pretty good about how its going so far. had my first lecture with jools who I thought was really cool he make his lectures fun so looking forward to more from him.

We were then introduced to design practice 1 which was interactive narratives, I learnt that non liner films are films that have inter linking story lines such as Saw and The Grudge.

And liner films are films with one story line such as Ace Ventura and Scarface.

after getting the info about what we need to achieve by the end of the 3 weeks which is to create a story with multiple out comes leaving it up to the viewer using yes and no buttons.
I first thought about a police training program that your going though a scene and card pop outs come out and the viewer chooses weather to shoot them or not. But then i thought this might be too complicated so I then thought about some one making there breakfast and the different choices.


am still not certain yet i'll have to think a bit more about it.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

first post

Today I thought about what I wont to get out of this course by the first year. after hearing the diffrent areas i could go into the main things that got my attention were Virtual Environments and Interactive Media so i would like to explore these areas more.