Monday, 19 October 2009

So i ve just completed my first week at uni and am feeling pretty good about how its going so far. had my first lecture with jools who I thought was really cool he make his lectures fun so looking forward to more from him.

We were then introduced to design practice 1 which was interactive narratives, I learnt that non liner films are films that have inter linking story lines such as Saw and The Grudge.

And liner films are films with one story line such as Ace Ventura and Scarface.

after getting the info about what we need to achieve by the end of the 3 weeks which is to create a story with multiple out comes leaving it up to the viewer using yes and no buttons.
I first thought about a police training program that your going though a scene and card pop outs come out and the viewer chooses weather to shoot them or not. But then i thought this might be too complicated so I then thought about some one making there breakfast and the different choices.


am still not certain yet i'll have to think a bit more about it.

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