so i handed my project in today cuz everything done and am very pleased with the outcome so i thought id hand it in and start my hols earlier so merry crimbo everyone and enjoy my final piece.
Monday, 6 December 2010
Friday, 3 December 2010
well most of it ive done my animatic my animation just need to do the PNG files now
but overall i think this project has gone well last year when doing the virtual environment project i didn't have a clue and my final piece was quiet boring and basic there was no textures and everything was boxes.
but after doing the semairs this year i have learnt a lot Roma showed me some things i didn't even know you could do like work from a real image and build your environment from that also basic stuff like texturing and different modifiers. then in Andy's lessons i learnt how to rig a model and animate it to be honest when he was showing us how to do it i was so confused but when it came round to doing it myself it made sense probably because i learn better when i do it myself.
when i look back at the first 3d work i did i can see i have definitely improved this year and i know i will continue to improve i am happy with the work i've done but i have no doubt i will look back at this in a year and laugh like i have done with the last project.
one thing i learnt for this project apart from the obvious 3ds max skills is to try and time my seclude better as towards the end i was worried i didn't have enough time to get things done so it meant some very late nights and i left my sound till last when i should of been thinking about it from the beginning meaning the sound wasn't as good as it could have been.
i think my style of work is best suited for character and environment modelling as i feel this is stronger than my animating although that could change with in the next few years. but for this project i enjoyed the model aspect of this rather than animating and i think i understand the modelling and rigging more. as well as this i enjoyed the first stages of the design process as well such as concept art and story bored because i come from and art and design background but as i learnt a lot about drawing and expressive painting at collage i am really interested in the 3d modelling aspect of the project for now.
1ST Project last year

project this year
well most of it ive done my animatic my animation just need to do the PNG files now
but overall i think this project has gone well last year when doing the virtual environment project i didn't have a clue and my final piece was quiet boring and basic there was no textures and everything was boxes.
but after doing the semairs this year i have learnt a lot Roma showed me some things i didn't even know you could do like work from a real image and build your environment from that also basic stuff like texturing and different modifiers. then in Andy's lessons i learnt how to rig a model and animate it to be honest when he was showing us how to do it i was so confused but when it came round to doing it myself it made sense probably because i learn better when i do it myself.
when i look back at the first 3d work i did i can see i have definitely improved this year and i know i will continue to improve i am happy with the work i've done but i have no doubt i will look back at this in a year and laugh like i have done with the last project.
one thing i learnt for this project apart from the obvious 3ds max skills is to try and time my seclude better as towards the end i was worried i didn't have enough time to get things done so it meant some very late nights and i left my sound till last when i should of been thinking about it from the beginning meaning the sound wasn't as good as it could have been.
i think my style of work is best suited for character and environment modelling as i feel this is stronger than my animating although that could change with in the next few years. but for this project i enjoyed the model aspect of this rather than animating and i think i understand the modelling and rigging more. as well as this i enjoyed the first stages of the design process as well such as concept art and story bored because i come from and art and design background but as i learnt a lot about drawing and expressive painting at collage i am really interested in the 3d modelling aspect of the project for now.
1ST Project last year
project this year
Thursday, 2 December 2010
so ive done my rendering for the 2nd scene which is the most important and edited it with sound overall i think it works well and i feel i have learnt the basics of the program know i understand the modelling part of the program a lot better after this project also i had no previous animation experience but by doing this project i have a basic understanding of it now and feel the next project will be a lot better.
i just have my animatic to do and if time the 1st scene but its not that important.
i just have my animatic to do and if time the 1st scene but its not that important.
Tuesday, 30 November 2010
i have rendered about half of the scenes for my animation but might have to do some again but for now here are some scenes
Monday, 29 November 2010
Friday, 26 November 2010
Thursday, 25 November 2010
so after about 5 weeks now yesterday i didn't think my models and rooms were good enough so today i redid everything and i mean everything the funny thing is want took my 5 weeks before has taken me a day and a half i suppose thats a good thing means i understand it anyway i think these are alot better and glad i made the change.

Wednesday, 24 November 2010
Saturday, 13 November 2010
Wednesday, 10 November 2010
Thursday, 28 October 2010
Space ship
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Thursday, 14 October 2010
i have done some research into some animatics and have found one for one of my favourite game "Dante's Inferno" the animatic is actually from the animated movie that was based on the game but i couldn't find the video for it so am posting the game version because theres not a huge difference. Here is a before and after video although the game version starts a little before the animatic. and i've posted the trailer for the game as well as is a good trailer.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
well i have two robots to create i have designed the bully bot and got a good idea on the smaller bot just need to think of a name for him and draw him when i have time.
am not sure on this yet but i was thinking a futuristic room, there would obviously need to be somewhere for bully bot to be lying down.
i know i don't want dialog in it as it is something very hard to get right plus from watching the silent movies when the characters don't speak i find it pulls you in more and the dramatic movement are very comical.
well i have two robots to create i have designed the bully bot and got a good idea on the smaller bot just need to think of a name for him and draw him when i have time.
am not sure on this yet but i was thinking a futuristic room, there would obviously need to be somewhere for bully bot to be lying down.
i know i don't want dialog in it as it is something very hard to get right plus from watching the silent movies when the characters don't speak i find it pulls you in more and the dramatic movement are very comical.
been a while hasn't it
will after getting the brief for 3d i've been think of stories and am pretty sure on a idea.
so there are going to be two robots a bully bot and another smaller robot i haven't come up with a name for yet.
the small robot will have a prop and the bully bot will take it from him.
then it cuts to a scene of bully bot sleeping or what ever robots do and the smaller robot trys to get his prop back while doing so he comes across certain obstacles such as traps, alarms and locks. all which he makes a lot of noise getting past but doesn't wake bully bot up. he finally gets his prop goes to walk out the door and slips on banana and lands on bully bot waking him up.
will after getting the brief for 3d i've been think of stories and am pretty sure on a idea.
so there are going to be two robots a bully bot and another smaller robot i haven't come up with a name for yet.
the small robot will have a prop and the bully bot will take it from him.
then it cuts to a scene of bully bot sleeping or what ever robots do and the smaller robot trys to get his prop back while doing so he comes across certain obstacles such as traps, alarms and locks. all which he makes a lot of noise getting past but doesn't wake bully bot up. he finally gets his prop goes to walk out the door and slips on banana and lands on bully bot waking him up.
Saturday, 26 June 2010
Thursday, 13 May 2010
and again heres are film and the trailer
For this project we had to create a shot film with the script we had been given . are group was given Maze at the beginning we had a lot of trouble trying to come up with a way to interpret the script two weeks went past with out a good idea. Then the group got together and Leona mentioned a film called One Hour Photo and said what if he stole peoples memories, I thought this was a good idea but would be hard to show in a film so I said what if he was a stalker and he is trying to persuade himself what he was doing wasn’t wrong. Everyone agreed this would be the best idea for the film. We then decided we would go away and each come up with a story bored as there was five different people in the group each person would have a different idea for camera angels and scenes. We then combined the storyboards to create a film we were all happy with. In week 3 we started filming the interview scene it went along with no problems, we downloaded it onto the computer to have a look and the lighting looked very harsh and it washed out half his face so we decided to do this scene again as I was the editor and the lighting operator this problem was for me to sort out. The second time we shot the scene the lighting looked a lot better so we used this footage. The only other scenes we had to shoot were the pub scene and the extra scene. For the pub scene we set up in a local pub after asking permission the only thing that went wrong with this scene was the for the other scenes we used an external mic and the sound engineer forgot to attach the mic so there was no sound but luckily we didn’t need it. For the extra scene we wanted it to show that the main character was talking to himself so we filmed it in a room looking into the interview scene, we realized after filming you could see the camera in the glass behind the actor. When I was editing I had a few problems with the sound the background noise seemed very loud and I couldn’t cover it . if we were to this again I would have brought in a monitor to what we were filming and wouldn’t make as many mistakes. I also wouldn’t use the external mic as it made the background noise very loud. I enjoyed this project but wouldn’t wont to do it again as you have to rely on a lot of people and if they don’t do their job it slows the process down.
For this project we had to create a shot film with the script we had been given . are group was given Maze at the beginning we had a lot of trouble trying to come up with a way to interpret the script two weeks went past with out a good idea. Then the group got together and Leona mentioned a film called One Hour Photo and said what if he stole peoples memories, I thought this was a good idea but would be hard to show in a film so I said what if he was a stalker and he is trying to persuade himself what he was doing wasn’t wrong. Everyone agreed this would be the best idea for the film. We then decided we would go away and each come up with a story bored as there was five different people in the group each person would have a different idea for camera angels and scenes. We then combined the storyboards to create a film we were all happy with. In week 3 we started filming the interview scene it went along with no problems, we downloaded it onto the computer to have a look and the lighting looked very harsh and it washed out half his face so we decided to do this scene again as I was the editor and the lighting operator this problem was for me to sort out. The second time we shot the scene the lighting looked a lot better so we used this footage. The only other scenes we had to shoot were the pub scene and the extra scene. For the pub scene we set up in a local pub after asking permission the only thing that went wrong with this scene was the for the other scenes we used an external mic and the sound engineer forgot to attach the mic so there was no sound but luckily we didn’t need it. For the extra scene we wanted it to show that the main character was talking to himself so we filmed it in a room looking into the interview scene, we realized after filming you could see the camera in the glass behind the actor. When I was editing I had a few problems with the sound the background noise seemed very loud and I couldn’t cover it . if we were to this again I would have brought in a monitor to what we were filming and wouldn’t make as many mistakes. I also wouldn’t use the external mic as it made the background noise very loud. I enjoyed this project but wouldn’t wont to do it again as you have to rely on a lot of people and if they don’t do their job it slows the process down.
3d Done
heres my 3d layer
For this project we had to create a superhero or villains layer. I had two ideas for this project which were Safety man a super hero that keeps people safe or a ninja. I decided to go with the ninja the four rooms I wanted to make were a traditional Japanese room with a secret room that goes underground and leads to a room with a water floor and steeping stones to get across and also arrows flying across the room for the camera to doge . the third room would be where all the gadgets were and lead to the fourth room which would be a cave with a Kawasaki ninja motorcycle in for a speedy escape. As I had never used this program before it took a while to get used to but after I got the basics it was fairly straight forward. The only bit I got stuck on was adding the camera because I didn’t realize the spline the camera travels on had to loop but after talking to my peers I then sorted this problem out. I also wanted to add movement into my project so I had doors lifting and the arrows flying across the room which was more simple than I thought it would be. After rendering the project imported it into Adobe Premiere and added a title. I then exported it and uploaded it to you tube. If I were to this project again I would try to add more detail and realistic colours as I wanted it to look more realistic than like a cartoon.
For this project we had to create a superhero or villains layer. I had two ideas for this project which were Safety man a super hero that keeps people safe or a ninja. I decided to go with the ninja the four rooms I wanted to make were a traditional Japanese room with a secret room that goes underground and leads to a room with a water floor and steeping stones to get across and also arrows flying across the room for the camera to doge . the third room would be where all the gadgets were and lead to the fourth room which would be a cave with a Kawasaki ninja motorcycle in for a speedy escape. As I had never used this program before it took a while to get used to but after I got the basics it was fairly straight forward. The only bit I got stuck on was adding the camera because I didn’t realize the spline the camera travels on had to loop but after talking to my peers I then sorted this problem out. I also wanted to add movement into my project so I had doors lifting and the arrows flying across the room which was more simple than I thought it would be. After rendering the project imported it into Adobe Premiere and added a title. I then exported it and uploaded it to you tube. If I were to this project again I would try to add more detail and realistic colours as I wanted it to look more realistic than like a cartoon.
web DONE
so i've finished my web quiz here it is
greek gods quiz by ~jadeoakley on deviantART
For this project I had to create a Flash quiz with a score, sound and a video. I decided to do my quiz on Greek mythology as this is something I am very interested in and thought not a lot of people would know the answers. Because this project was more about problem solving I found it very interesting. We were given a basic quiz that we could build on so we had to write the action scripts for the sound, video and score this was more simple than I thought. After we had been shown what each part of the action script does it started to make sense. The only problem I had was simple stuff like forgetting to add names to the buttons and missing out letters in the action script. After building the structure of the quiz I just needed to find royalty free images to add into my quiz which I found on I then exported it and uploaded in to i noticed after uploading it to deventart i noticed the video wasn't playing but i didn't know how to fix it. if I were to this project again I don’t think I would change anything accept making the quiz longer adding in more questions. I think a lot of people had problems with this project finding it hard to understand but I enjoyed it trying to find the problem and then solving it.
greek gods quiz by ~jadeoakley on deviantART
For this project I had to create a Flash quiz with a score, sound and a video. I decided to do my quiz on Greek mythology as this is something I am very interested in and thought not a lot of people would know the answers. Because this project was more about problem solving I found it very interesting. We were given a basic quiz that we could build on so we had to write the action scripts for the sound, video and score this was more simple than I thought. After we had been shown what each part of the action script does it started to make sense. The only problem I had was simple stuff like forgetting to add names to the buttons and missing out letters in the action script. After building the structure of the quiz I just needed to find royalty free images to add into my quiz which I found on I then exported it and uploaded in to i noticed after uploading it to deventart i noticed the video wasn't playing but i didn't know how to fix it. if I were to this project again I don’t think I would change anything accept making the quiz longer adding in more questions. I think a lot of people had problems with this project finding it hard to understand but I enjoyed it trying to find the problem and then solving it.
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Thursday, 6 May 2010
hello its been a while but ive been busy with 3d and web.
i have finished my web project today which is based on greek myths and gods.
and am over half way thought my 3d layer just got one more room to do and set up the camara and export
i have finished my web project today which is based on greek myths and gods.
and am over half way thought my 3d layer just got one more room to do and set up the camara and export
Friday, 26 March 2010
Friday, 19 March 2010
room 1 idea
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
so just watched ladt gagas new vid and i am amazed the vid is really high def the story great am guessing it a carry on from paparazzi. The song is good and plus beyonces in it what more do u want the director should b proud i would if it was mine.
Thursday, 25 February 2010
Virtual enviroment
Thursday, 18 February 2010
so ive done the basic edit for our film but need to do the final one which will probably b done for tues one final cut but till then hers the bloopers lol
Friday, 12 February 2010
so this is the first edit for our film gonna do a better edit in final cut because this was done in imovie and the quality isnt as good
so i ve done the editing for our film i did it in imovie i thought it was goin to be really difficult as i haven't got a big editing program but using imovie watching tutorials you can do most of the stuff you could do on programs such as final cut pro.
but it was simple because you can add effects, detach sound from clips and add sound so it all pretty good.
just need to show the final edit to my group and see if theres anything i need to change and then ill post it untill then you'll have to wait.
but it was simple because you can add effects, detach sound from clips and add sound so it all pretty good.
just need to show the final edit to my group and see if theres anything i need to change and then ill post it untill then you'll have to wait.
Saturday, 6 February 2010
trailer DEMO
this is a trailer i did for our film we havant finished filming yet so obviously the real thing will be better
Friday, 5 February 2010
mystery guitar man
this is a video by mystery guitar man his videos are always great if you havent seen any i recommend watching them there all amazing
Thursday, 4 February 2010
well as you all probably know apple has announced its new produce the ipad its basically like a big itouch which is a bit disappointing cuz i was expecting it to b more like a computer but still its apple
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
sorry for the bad quality had to record it on my phone because i ve only got the demo and carnt export
nothing special just playing around
nothing special just playing around
so ive recently been trying to figure out a 3d studio as thats wat i am more interested in i downloaded a demo of cinema 4d which is a mac version of auto desk 3d and been watching a few tutorials on youtube i made a short animation of a man waving but because its a demo it wont let me export it so you'll have to do with pictures.
one hour photo
this is a smiler thing we are trying to achieve with our film
if you havnt seen it i recommend you do it well thought out and kind of creepy
if you havnt seen it i recommend you do it well thought out and kind of creepy
so after 2weeks of not being able to think of anything for this project we final thought of something. we have chose to make it seem like the main character has split personalities so its as if hes interviewing himself but you dont know till the end, so we ve made it so hes a stalker and is trying to fit in and his apartment is full of photos of the people he is stalking. we ve made it so the he is interviewing himself so that you see the split personalities the person interviewing is saying you'll never stop doing this and your never going to fit in but the side of him thats being interviewed is trying to convince himself he can stop and he dosent have to do this.
luckily we only need two location because the interview room is going to be dark and when you turn the lights on at the end you realise its his apartment so for this were going to use the studio in 106. then we have a scene where he is watching people in the pub so for this we'll use Varsity pub.

luckily we only need two location because the interview room is going to be dark and when you turn the lights on at the end you realise its his apartment so for this were going to use the studio in 106. then we have a scene where he is watching people in the pub so for this we'll use Varsity pub.
Monday, 18 January 2010
i am more interested in the virtual environment and to help me learn more about it i have.
1 played alot of games (rough job but its got to be done lol)
2 on the uncharted game there is videos after you have completed it showing how they made the game e.g character development, creating water and making it more real like when coming out of a dark place into a light place the view blurrs and gets glare similar to how the human eye reacts.
3 downloaded demo version of cinema 3d to get a feel of how the program works. and watch tutorials on you tube to learn new things.
1 played alot of games (rough job but its got to be done lol)
2 on the uncharted game there is videos after you have completed it showing how they made the game e.g character development, creating water and making it more real like when coming out of a dark place into a light place the view blurrs and gets glare similar to how the human eye reacts.
3 downloaded demo version of cinema 3d to get a feel of how the program works. and watch tutorials on you tube to learn new things.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
i ve played quiet a few games in my time but this has got to be the best they tryed to make it more like a cinimatic film ur in control of and rather than the characters having one facel expression and just move there mouth in uncharted each character has a minimum of 50 which helps the emotion come across. while playing this i found it hard to put down and towards the somthing happens that i never would of guested. theres nothing i can really compare it to but the closest thing i can think of is Tomb Raider but with a lot more action and plot turns.
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