well most of it ive done my animatic my animation just need to do the PNG files now
but overall i think this project has gone well last year when doing the virtual environment project i didn't have a clue and my final piece was quiet boring and basic there was no textures and everything was boxes.
but after doing the semairs this year i have learnt a lot Roma showed me some things i didn't even know you could do like work from a real image and build your environment from that also basic stuff like texturing and different modifiers. then in Andy's lessons i learnt how to rig a model and animate it to be honest when he was showing us how to do it i was so confused but when it came round to doing it myself it made sense probably because i learn better when i do it myself.
when i look back at the first 3d work i did i can see i have definitely improved this year and i know i will continue to improve i am happy with the work i've done but i have no doubt i will look back at this in a year and laugh like i have done with the last project.
one thing i learnt for this project apart from the obvious 3ds max skills is to try and time my seclude better as towards the end i was worried i didn't have enough time to get things done so it meant some very late nights and i left my sound till last when i should of been thinking about it from the beginning meaning the sound wasn't as good as it could have been.
i think my style of work is best suited for character and environment modelling as i feel this is stronger than my animating although that could change with in the next few years. but for this project i enjoyed the model aspect of this rather than animating and i think i understand the modelling and rigging more. as well as this i enjoyed the first stages of the design process as well such as concept art and story bored because i come from and art and design background but as i learnt a lot about drawing and expressive painting at collage i am really interested in the 3d modelling aspect of the project for now.
1ST Project last year
project this year
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